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Wednesday 17 August 2016

Ty Bsc IT Advanced Java Unit 2 Question Bank

Advanced Java
Unit 2 - Swings

1.)    Distinguish between Swings and AWT.
2.)    Explain the new features of JFC.
3.)    What is the purpose of tabbed panes? Explain with an example.
4.)    Explain the JProgressBar control with suitable example.
5.)    Explain JTable  in swing with the steps of creating a table.
6.)    What is JTree? What are tree nodes and models?
7.)    Explain the JList class with its constructors and example.
8.)    Write a note on JSliders and demonstrate it with a program.
9.)    Explain JTree component with an example.
10.)      Explain with suitable example how siblings and child nodes are added in a tree.
11.)      How can the user be made aware of the software loading process? Which component is facilitating the same? Explain with code specification.
12.)      How to divide frame windows in two parts? Explain with an example.
13.)      Explain JColorChooser component with an example.
14.)      Exxplain JFileChooser component with an example.
15.)      Explain JScrollPane with an example.
16.)      Explain JInternalFrame component with an example.
17.)      How are menus created in java? What are the classes used for creating menus? Explain with examples.
18.)       Explain with suitable example the need of  table model.
19.)      List and explain the layout orientations used for JList. Give suitable examples.
20.)      Explain custom formatters with suitable examples.
21.)      Write a note on text components in swings.
22.)      Write short notes on: JRadioButton and JCheckBox.
23.)      Explain JTextField and JPasswordField and the differences between them.
24.)      Explain the following components with an example.:
a.)    JComboBox
b.)    JSeparator
c.)    JViewPort
d.)   JEditorPane
e.)    JLayeredPane
f.)     JDesktopPane
g.)    JOptionPane
h.)    JTextPane
25.)      Write a swing program that displays the content of a database table into a JTable.
26.)      Write a JApplet that shows a group of JLabels, where each label of the group displays a given icon representing a flag of a country and caption representing the respective country name.
27.)      Write a java program using Split Pane to demonstrate a screen divided in two parts. One part contains the examination seat number of student. When user selects the exam seat number , marksheet of the student should get displayed in another pane.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Ty Bsc IT Question Bank Sem V

Advanced Java
Unit 1- AWT and Event Handling

1.)    Explain the terms: a.)Events b.) Listeners c.) Source
2.)    How is event handling done in java?
3.)    Write a short note on delegation event model.
4.)    What are adapter classes in java? Explain with an example.
5.)    Explain with an example how inner classes simplifies adapter classes.
6.)    Explain how anonymous inner classes are used for event handling.
7.)    What is the default layout of the frame? Explain the same.
8.)    Explain following classes with an example:
a.)    ActionEvent
b.)    ItemEvent
c.)    AdjustmentEvent
d.)   MouseEvent
e.)    KeyEvent
f.)     ComponentEvent
g.)    ContainerEvent
h.)    FocusEvent
i.)      TextEvent
j.)      WindowEvent
k.)    MouseWheelEvent
l.)      InputEvent
9.)    Explain the Event Listener Interfaces.
10.)                        How does AWT create radio buttons? Explain with syntax and code specification.
11.)                        Explain the following Layout Managers with an example.
a.)    FlowLayout b.)GridLayout c.)BorderLayout d.)GridBagLayout e.)CardLayout
12.)      Write a program to generate GUI with two textboxes for first name and last name, one radio button group for gender and one checkbox group for hobbies and display the appropriate selection in label.
13.)      Write a program using AWT to generate two textboxes for username and password, two buttons for login and cancel.